All the classrooms are spacious, well illuminated with natural light and
properly venti lated to make environment more refreshing. They are also
equipped with modern amenities like projectors, speakers etc.
The institute has spacious and well furnished hostel with required basic facilities including kit for indoor
and outdoor games. Total 66 students can be accommodated in the hostel.
The college canteen is well equipped with modern steam cooking and
utensils. Large Canteen hall with a facility for 100 members to dine at a
time enables all students and staff to have their breakfast and lunch. A
separate dining hall for hostellers with television is also provided in
the canteen.
Transportation facility from Unjha and nearby places to College
campus can be made available to students. College also provides
free transport facilities during various occasions like industrial visits,
technical events, participation in sports or cultural competitions etc.
Student Store
A self-sufficient students' store is provided by the institute where
apart from all sorts of stationary goods, books, EG- Drawing sheets,
Lab-Manuals, calculator etc. are available at genuine price. It also
houses photocopying and desk top printing facilities.